Prasat Ta Nei

Date of Construction: Mid 12th century C.E.
Religious Affiliation:
Patron or King:
Jayavarman VII

Artistic/Archeo. Style:
Duration of Visit:
20 minutes
Time to Visit:

Position: 13d27'09N 103d53'07E

Small (55m x 47m), semi-ruined, untouristed jungle temple reminiscent of Ta Som, and displaying classic Jayavarman VII artistry. Some of the apsara and lintel carvings are in pretty good condition. In much rougher shape than most of the temples on the main tour circuit. The primary road to Ta Nei from where it meets the Grand Circuit road near the southeast corner of Ta Keo was closed on last inspection. To get to Ta Nei, park at the end of the road near Ta Keo and walk the dirt road about 1km to Ta Nei, or by motorcycle, follow unmarked dirt road from just outside the Victory Gate of Angkor Thom to the 'French Dam.' Cross the dam and proceed 200m up a small path.


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