Religious Affiliation: Hindu and Buddhist
Patron or King:
Artistic/Archeo. Style:
Location: 49km north of Siem Reap
Location of Entrance:
Duration of Visit: 30 minutes
Time to Visit: Anytime. Kbal Spean closes at 3PM
Photography Notes:
A river of 1000 lingas’ is at Phnom Kulen. There are also carvings of Buddha and Buddhist images in the rock that date from a later period than the lingas. Entrance to the area closes at 3:00PM. Combine with a visit to Banteay Srey and allow a half-day for the two. Take the road straight past Banteay Srey about 12km. Look for the sign and parking area on the left side. Requires a moderately easy 45-minute uphill walk though the woods.