Religious Affiliation: Hinduism
Patron or King: Harshavarman I
Artistic/Archeo. Style: Bakheng
Location: AAP/PC
Duration of Visit: 30 minutes
Time to Visit: Anytime, but the morning light is best for photography and provides the best light for viewing the interior carvings
Photography Notes: Morning.
Position: 13d25'10N 103d53'58E
East-facing brick towers containing unique bas-reliefs of Vishnu and Lakshmi rendered in brick - the only example of brick bas-reliefs in the Angkor area. Prasat Kravan was originally constructed by noblemen rather than a king and has a twin sister in Takeo Province south of Phnom Penh, Prasat Neang Khmau, which contained painting rather than bas-reliefs, some of which still survives. Prasat Kravan was reconstructed by archaeologists in the early 20th century. Look for modern replacement bricks labeled "CA.".